
HMS Vale, Deben Café Bar and Deben Bar Members Club are on going projects.  We welcome comments, suggestions and advice from all interested parties and members of our community. 

Facebook: Follow us on our Facebook pages: Deben Café Bar on HMS Vale and HMS Vale aka TS Lord Nelson. 

Contact us: 01394 388643 or via e-mail: debencafe@btinternet.com

Address: Deben Café Bar on HMS Vale, Melton Boatyard, Dock Lane, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP12 1PE

Location: We are floating at the top end of the River Deben near Wilford Bridge, alongside Melton Boatyard, Melton, Woodbridge. Find us on Google Maps here

Parking: There is no parking available on Melton Boatyard. We are a walking/cycling destination.  Parking is available in Wilford Bridge Amenity Area, Melton High Street and Woodbridge. 

Arrival by Water: Please note all arrivals by water should be arranged via Melton Boatyard. The River Deben is a tidal river.  We have 4.5 meters of tide at high water springs and 0.5 at low water. It is possible to access HMS Vale from the water two hours before and one hour after each tide with most domestic crafts.  In a dinghy or kayak your time here can we considerably extended. Tide tables and tidal information can be found here https://hha.co.uk/leisure/downloads/

Melton Boatyard is kind enough to host and support our project. You can find all about them on their website here. 

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